

This assignment also requires some supporting documentation which should be in the form of an DevLog that includes the following:

  • A description of how well your final game compares to the vision laid out in your concept document. All differences should be listed and justified.            

My game is mostly stayed within the original game idea; a dark aesthetic world of exploration.

All of the enemies I had in mind were established with the intended behaviours: Bats that had a simple seek behaviours, ghosts that are friendly wander until you interact with them, then they pursue you, and grims which are pathfinding.  I strayed from idea of varying damage, and instead focused on adjusting how much health each enemy had, and souls gained on killing an enemy. For Lich the player is exactly as I imagined, with 4-way movement, dash, and blue fireballs that cost a soul to shoot. I ran out of time to implement as many game rooms as I'd like,  (which I had expected might happen) though I managed to include a laser room, a maze room, and a room that the camera angle changed depending on where you walk. I had originally wanted 4 or 5, but the main game is just to systematically explore Limbo like a maze.

  • A summary of the feedback gathered for each element that was tested for (as well as any observations that were made by you during testing), from your Week 12 Testing Session and a description of how each element's feedback influenced your final submitted game.

Week 1 (Player movement): Tester spotted a bug; endless dashing ( infinite speed), which was easily fixed by tweaking the code, also Lich's collider was too large and needed adjusting, especially when moving left/right, as it was a set shape. Once that was fixed, player was good to go! Since the art I chose to use was quite pixelated, I need the camera close to the player so details could be seen more clearly, which suited my exploration concept anyway, though I spent a few weeks getting feedback on what size/shape worked best, settling on a 10:8 ratio for camera size when not playing full screen. 

Week 2 (Enemies): I implemented my enemies in week 2, the only feedback I had was about the camera as mentioned before. The enemies worked fine, except the pathfinding grim, which I was able to implement by altering the pathfinding/following scripts given in the tutorials. 

Week 3 (Level): I had some good feedback this week; my pathfinding was working however grims were getting stuck together, which I was able to fix over the following week, fixed a bug in the code which was causing all enemies to only drop 2 souls (treating all enemies as a bat), and some advice for adjusting the virtual camera following Lich. I don't use a mouse, so hadn't realised that souls could be shot so rapidly to the point where it would bypass my script that checked when souls = 0,  so I used an IEnumerator to fix the fire  rate, making my game playable with a mouse. 

Week 4 (graphics): This was when I implemented my game rooms, the only feedback was to add some scenery to the main game, which I had a hard time finding relevant sprites, but searched for a while and found some. My favourite addition was the transparent clouds, I think they add to the aesthetic very well. 

Week 5 (testing): To make some points a little clearer (such as knowing when you made it into a game room, and knowing shooting costs souls), I created pop-up panels to explain some things along the way, which also involved freezing moving objects (enemies/player). Everyone who played the game said the difficulty was just right, but as I watched someone play it was clear I should reduce the map a little, which I did. I also decided to make the passages narrower as I believe that helps those who explore with a strategy. 

  • An asset list. This should list all the assets (or groups of assets) in your game and provide a description of the purpose/use of each. Any materials from other sources should be clearly identified and referenced in this section.

Background: All rocks/ trees / clouds etc that comprise the scenery 

Enemies: All enemy prefabs and sounds

Fireball: Prefab and sounds

Fonts: The font for my UI texts

Game room: Sprites for the lasers

Gate: Animations, controllers, sprite sheet for the big gate

Lich: Animations, controllers, spirted for Lich

Scenes: All the scenes within the game

Scripts: A collection of the scripts used in the game

Tiles: All the sprites and rule tiles used to make the tilemaps

Lich: (2014). Lich Monster Girl Sprite by Mireus on DeviantArt. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].


Pinterest. (n.d.). Ghosts sprite - RPG TileSet Free Curated Assets for your RPG Maker MV Games! | Pixel art games, Rpg maker, Rpg maker vx. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].

Jason (2018). Grim Reaper Sprites. [online] Time Fantasy. Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].

bagzie (2014). Bat sprite. [online] Available at:


JROB774 (2016). Dead Tree. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].

LovePik. (n.d.). Creative Cloud Elements PNG Picture And Clipart Image For Free Download - Lovepik | 401766435. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].

Tales of Ostlea Wikia. (n.d.).Small Bone Pile. Available at: htt ps:// [Accessed 29 May 2023].

Shutterstock. (n.d.). Fossil Bone Archaeological Find Ancient Animal Stock Vector (Royalty Free) 1153221412. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].


KnoblePersona (2016). Jungle Dirt & Background [Connecting Tileset] [16x16]. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].

Artstation((n.d.) DarkTheme2D[online]Available at: [accesses 29 May 2023].

 Sound references:

Dramatic background hip hop music.(n.d.)[online] Available at:

Mouse(n.d.)[online] Available at:

CollectCoin(n.d.)[online]Available at:

WhooshBlowFlutterShort(n.d.)[online] Available at:

MetalLatchRelease(n.d.)[online] Available at: (n.d.). Download Spooky Ghost Woo Royalty-Free Music & Sound Effects - Storyblocks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].

SARDIN, J. (n.d.). Zombie 7 (Free Sound Effect). [online] BigSoundBank. Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].

Font Reference (n.d.). Grim Ghost Font | [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2023].


Final Week 16 MB
May 22, 2023
Final Play in browser
May 26, 2023

Get Lich in Limbo

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